Days sales outstanding DSO: How to calculate DSO 2024

Home » Days sales outstanding DSO: How to calculate DSO 2024

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The credit sales figure will most often have to be provided by the company. This calculation can get a bit tricky if you don’t keep track of cash sales separately. Be sure and subtract any returns or adjustments, and if you don’t track cash sales automatically, you’ll have to subtract those as well.

dso meaning

Understanding DSO Limitations: A Balanced Perspective

  • With an AR automation solution that gives your customers their own online portal, you can allow customers to access all their invoices and supporting documents, so they never have to wonder what they owe you.
  • A lower DSO value indicates that it’s taken fewer days to collect payments for the sales you’ve made.
  • But since DSO ranges wildly from industry to industry and from business to business, it’s a good idea to look at companies that are within your industry and have similar payment terms to see how you compare.
  • Both upfront deposits and progress payments, which are delivered based on the completion of a specific part of the work you’re doing for a client, can help you get paid faster for your work.
  • Make sure that your invoices contain the late fee terms and conditions, so that the customers know about them up front.

Join BC Krishna, CEO of Centime, to explore how AR automation can transform your collections process, improve cash management, and delight your customers. DSO’s effectiveness diminishes when comparing companies with significant differences in the proportion of credit sales. A company with a low proportion of credit sales will have a DSO that does not provide much insight into its cash flow situation. Similarly, comparing such a company with one that has a high proportion of credit sales is not meaningful.

dso meaning

Review your books and adjust payment terms for clients who pay late consistently

  • If a company has a volatile DSO, this may be cause for concern, but if its DSO regularly dips during a particular season each year, it could be no reason to worry.
  • Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) is the average number of days taken by a firm to collect payment from their customers after the completion of a sale.
  • A measurement of how well a business collects outstanding (unpaid) customer invoices.
  • It’s assumed sales made on cash are collected upfront (and would have a DSO of 0 as a result).
  • If you’re new to DSO, read on to understand how it works and what it means for your business.

In that case, your sales team is likely extending credit to customers they shouldn’t. For instance, if you were calculating your DSO for January to March, your DSO formula would have you multiply the quotient by 90 days. In this article, we’ll explain what days sales outstanding is, the value of tracking it, and how to calculate DSO.

Importance of Calculating DSO

This means on an average, it takes the company 22.5 days to collect payment after a sale. If a company’s DSO is increasing, it’s a warning sign that something is wrong. Customer satisfaction might be declining, or the salespeople may be offering longer terms of payment to drive increased sales. Perhaps the company may be allowing customers with poor credit to make purchases on credit. In effect, determining the average length of time that a company’s outstanding balances are carried in receivables can reveal a great deal about the nature of the company’s cash flow. Thus, the average number of days that Company Xing takes to recover cash for its credit sales or debts is 73 days.

Find total credit sales

Days Sales Outstanding determines the average number of days businesses take to get paid for the goods and services they sell on credit. DSO is one of the key performance indicators for any business as it helps them assess the cash flows over a period. Computing the DSO monthly, quarterly, or annually helps businesses understand how quickly they receive or collect cash for their credit sales.

Offer clients more payment options, including electronic payments

Offer incentives for early payments and penalties for late payments

The Critical Role of DSO in Business Finance